Our Chaplain

Revd Anne Marr is Newcastle MU Chaplain

It is a privilege to be serving as MU chaplain across Newcastle Diocese. Please be assured of my prayers for you all as you work together to support family life and those in need. 

The Chaplaincy Corner is a page on which short ‘wonderings’ about life and faith are posted – eachwith a note of hopefulness. Feel free to use the ideas in any way you wish. Also feel free to suggest ideas.

A prayer for the day

Lord of Life,

help me to live it well today,

and when the edges of my understanding

get a little frayed,

strengthen my faith.

(Eddie Askew, Leprosy Mission)


Footsteps in Faith

An invitation to reflect


'Never let perfection get in the way of progress!'

Free to be…

Jesus promises to us all

Fools step in...

where angels fear to tread

The Art in Mothering….

A Reflection by our Chaplain on the the art of Artep, who runs the Community Art Club at Benwell and made displays for the ‘Something Wonderful’ Event.

Something Wonderful

Something wonderful is happening in Benwell -EVERY DAY

Via Lucia (Stations of the Resurrection)

During Easter-tide you may wish to reflect on these ‘birthing’ moments.

Easter Dawn

‘Woman, Why are you weeping? Who is it you are looking for?’ John 20.15

Easter Message from Our Chaplain

Rev Anne Marr has sent an Easter Message to us all.- Easter the Gift of Life

My Humble Opinion

A recent conversation inspired the attached ‘thought for Lent’

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