We support those whose family lives have met with adversity in many ways. Such as supporting prisoners and their families, providing holidays and working with Refuges across the Diocese
Away From it All holidays ( AFIA)
Refuges across Newcastle Diocese
Modern Day Slavery & Human trafficking
Fishermen's Mission
People's Kitchen
Girls are Proud
Newcastle Mothers’ Union has a new project in its Action and Outreach - adopted since the MU Diocesan Festival in Benwell in June 2024.
Mother's Union is also launching a New Project Empower her Literacy
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Newcastle Cathedral 'Footsteps in Faith' Display This display was well received by visitors to the Cathedral - see more here. |
A Great Time was had by All! (Female Saints Quiz Answers) |
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Prayer is fundamental to the Mothers’ Union
Prayers are said every day around the world at midday (Midday Prayers)
these include Prayers from Holy Land and Prayers for Sudan
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