The Mothers’ Union Safeguarding Policy and Procedure for Britain
Contact Newcastle MU Safeguarding officer
This now on the MSH website. It has taken longer than anticipated for this to happen, but after consultation and much discussion, the Policy has been signed off and ready to use.
Read the Safeguarding Policy and Procedures here and the Appendices here
Safeguarding - it's everyone's responsibility
Safeguarding is to do with each one of us as Mothers' Union members and this short guide highlights how you can play your part.
Responding to safeguarding concerns
If you have a concern about the well-being of a child or adult at risk, there are four steps to follow: Recognise - Respond - Record - Report. This guide will help you to understand what you need to do.
We want to start a new project. What do we do about safeguarding?
If you've had a great idea about a new project for your group or branch but are unsure what to do about safeguarding, this is the place to look.