Interested in being a member?

Enquiries about becoming a member of Newcastle Mothers' Union can be made in the first instance by emailing our President, Margy Tasker-Brown 

Useful to know facts about membership

We are mainly WOMEN but MEN also belong.

We may be MARRIED but some of us are SINGLE or DIVORCED.

We are often MOTHERS but some of us do not have children.

We are usually MEMBERS of the CHURCH of ENGLAND but not always, some of us attend other Churches.

We do not have an AGE limit, young and old, all are welcome.

We usually meet every month, but some meet via the INTERNET.

We support M.U. projects at home and abroad where we also educate women, empowering them to provide for their families.

Some of us are carers, or working, or do not have a local branch, so we become DIOCESAN MEMBERS.

We support our scheme for HOLIDAYS FOR THE DISADVANTAGED.

We supply goods and support for WOMENS REFUGES and also to REFUGEES.

We care for you, your family and your community. We campaign tirelessly to protect children in our society.

We support our LOCAL CLERGY and CHURCHES.

We base all that we do on PRAYER which is a very important part of our lives.

(Submitted by Sylvia Hickey)

All members receive CONNECTED (The Mothers Union Magazine) and the PRAYER DIARY through the post from Mary Sumner House; also the MU Diocesan JOURNAL and NEWSLETTERS 


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