New Leaflets 2023
MU Newcastle has designed three new information leaflets:
Each contains a message from Bishop Helen-Ann, assurance of our prayers and helpful information about MU in Newcastle Diocese.
1. To Welcome New Members. You can download the Welcome to New Members leaflet from this site – simply write in their name and branch, add your own personal card to go with the certificate, and include a copy of the MU Midday Prayer leaflet (also available on this site).
2. To Affirm our Parish Clergy in their ministry. This can also be downloaded to accompany your own thankyou card and a MU Midday Prayer sheet. (A limited number of packs ready to personalise will be available at the Diocesan Eucharist in Rothbury.)
3. To welcome new clergy. These will be sent individually by our Diocesan President and Chaplain.