Midday Prayers

Everyday we pray for Mothers Union through our Midday Prayers

Midday Prayers and Wave of Prayer are included as an option on the Church of England Daily HOPE phone line. The free phone line also includes  materials also available digitally by the Church of Englands Communications team and a recording of the Church of England weekly national online service. We know that a majority of Mothers Union members are not connected to the internet or have weak internet connections. Therefore, we are delighted that they will now be able to listen in fellowship to our prayers which unite our movement and its 4 million members every day.

The Daily HOPE phoneline number is free and available 24 hours a day on 0800 804 8044 (for Mothers Union midday prayers please press option 5 and then option 9)

If you have online access please do join us daily at 12:00 (BST) on our Facebook page for our Midday Prayers

Newcastle MU

A group of MU members meet on the first Thursday of the month for Midday Prayers in the St Georges Chapel at the Cathedral. Eucharist takes place at 12.30 should you wish to stay. The group often meets in the Cathedral cafe for refreshments before or afterwards. 
If you would like to join them then contact Anne Blight

Monthly Midday Prayers in St Nicholas Cathedral, Newcastle. led by VP Anne Cairns in February

Why not Join us Join In next month?

Midday Prayers are available to download in an easy printable double sided A4 format by clicking on the month.


April Midday Prayers

March Midday Prayers

February Midday Prayers

January Midday Prayers


December Midday Prayers









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