March Events 2024


 Benwell branch members participated in the Mothering Sunday Service and admitted 3 new members.


St Cuthbert's Haydon Bridge with Beltingham and Henshaw Mothers' Union
Any one for a Raffle ticket? New member, Terry manning the Tombola Table
What a well stocked cake stall! Our Branch Chaplain and his wife selling the candles they make.

St Cuthbert's Haydon Bridge with Bellingham and Henshaw Mothers' Union held their Annual "Make a Mother's Day '' Coffee Morning in Bardon Mill Village Hall.  A very enjoyable and successful time for everyone there. The proceeds  will be used to buy MU Gifts of Dignity to empower women around the world and also to help disadvantaged mothers in Newcastle Diocese.

 All those who were in anyway involved with the Refuge Christmas food project were invited for a get together lunch.  Those who could make it enjoyed meeting in a room with a cosy real fire, choice of menu and much chat and laughter.  As a result of that project the First Internet Branch gained two new members (both from St Nicholas Church South Gosforth) who came on board after helping with the packing and transportation of the food, so impressed were they with our work with Harbour Refuge.


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