2025 events

Amble MU Branch celebrate World Day of Prayer at St Cuthberts Church The focus was the Cook islandsand the theme was 'I Made You Wonderful'from Psalm 139:14, serves a beautiful reminder of God's creative work in each of usand His love for diversity



On Saturday 8th March chaplain Anne and Derek represented MU at an Iftar at Newcastle Cathedral. They were invited by Ismail, a Muslim who attends their church as a representative of the Dialogue Society. Their table included representatives from the Turkish and Bangladeshi societies, also the Quakers, Northumbria Police, and Helen - the Reader at the Cathedral who helped to organise the event. The Iftar is the sundown meal which breaks the fast during Ramadan and is usually shared with friends. Delicious Turkish food accompanied many interesting conversations and presentations, including Turkish dance by two young boys.’

Surprise MU Connections  
Dorothy Walker from Chapel House branch has been collecting items for hospital emergency bags. In ASDA she asked to meet the store ‘champion’, Donna Robinson, to enquire about a reduction for the purchases. Donna turns out to be a member of MU in Gateshead and was delighted to offer help. The store has given Dorothy £40 worth of goods for the hospital bags. Donna is to be ordained deacon at Durham Cathedral in summer – so our prayers are with her. She is keen to come and talk to branches about her work and ministry.  
Holy Nativity MU  
This is Sheila Robson one of our Indoor Members. We were able to bring her to our meeting to celebrate her 90th birthday. Rev Anne Marr took our meeting and talked to us about the Book of Ruth. Everyone enjoyed the afternoon.
Hospital Bags  

Some MU branches in Newcastle have begun to supply emergency hospital bags directly to the emergency departments at the RVI as well as to the chaplaincy. Here is their response.

“Many thanks for the ‘brilliant’ emergency toiletries bags – this is such a great service to our patients.”

Please Note:

MU branches across the diocese have for many years been supplying hospital emergency bags to various hospitals throughout the region. This service continues and is very much appreciated by all the hospitals concerned, including the Newcastle Hospitals Trust (Freeman and RVI). A branch in East Deanery continues a long tradition to supply bags to the Chaplaincy at the Freeman Hospital. For many years branches in West Newcastle deanery also supplied bags to Newcastle General and the RVI; they have recently renewed this commitment and are supplying bags to the RVI. The photograph and caption in the newsletter simply reports the renewal of this service. It also records the chaplaincy appreciation of everyone in MU involved in supplying bags.



Internet Branch

Chrristmas foodFirst Internet Branch

For the fourth year running the First Internet Branch provided a  complete Christmas Day Menu of food for the families at Harbour Refuge.  We were supported financially by member from Ponteland and St Columba`s branches plus donations from many who are not MU members but wanted to help with the project which they felt was so worthwhile.

This year for the first time we supplied both Harbour Refuges, North Tyneside as usual, but also, by request, the Northumberland Refuge too.  This meant that we actually provided food for 26 family units in total.

Friends and members ready to fill the bags Bags ready to be delivered to the Refuges Each bag contained a complete Christmas Day menu


Events in December across the Diocese

Alnwick Deanery Advent Service

Branch Coordinator Val with Alnwick MU Banner President Margy and Deanery Leader Helen enrolled Rev Mitch into MU
Rev Mitch, the vicar of St Michael's  Church Alnwick joined MU Rev Mitch was welcomed by President Margy, Members of Alnwick MU, DL Helen and VP Ann
St Bartholomew's Long Benton MU
As part of our support for the RISE UP campaign, with the help of our congregation, we also collected another set of children's clothes for delivery to the Refuge before Christmas Sally's Jams and Preserves stall
We also had two stalls at the Church Christmas Fair. As well as Sally's Jams and Preserves stall, this year we had another stall for MU funds selling floral arrangements, cross stitch tree decorations and handmade Christmas cards, all made by our members.


November across the Diocese


Gift Bag Day for People's Kitchen 2024
Some of the members who brought the Gift Bags- Thank you to all who donated.
Secretary, Sandra ready to greet members as they arrived. Andy helps sort the Gift Bags and transports them to the People's Kitchen The Gift Bags were blessed and Midday prayers were said.
Display at the entrance to Holy Nativity Chapel House for our 16 Days of Activism against Gender Based Violence

St Bartholomew's Longbenton

Members and friends braved the snowy icy conditions for their annual Walk of Witness from Church to the shops half mile away. Unfortunately because of Storm Bert, snow hit some areas really badly and others couldn't get there. Well done and thank you.

St John's Whorlton

Display for 16 Days of Activism Against Gender Based Violence 


Helen Cooper came and taught our branch how to make Cross Stitch Crosses.  They all had a wonderful day, with guests from our church there and Joan and Lily, the older members, thoroughly enjoyed it too.


Members from across the Diocese met at Holy Nativity Church to make up bags for the Homeless.


October around the Diocese

Holy Nativity Chapel House MU

 Lindisfarne VP, Anne accompanied by her husband gave a talk at Holy Nativity Chapel House MU entitled "My Journey in Faith"

St.Cuthbert's Haydon Bridge with Beltingham and Henshaw

 Branch members brought gifts to be given to the clients of 608030, NDAS, a Domestic Abuse Charity  The branch also gave shopping vouchers to be distributed to clients in need at Christmastime.  The branch has supported 608030 in this way for many years.


Diocesan Council 11 Oct 2024

The Diocesan Council on October 11th was fairly well attended. The Speaker was Deb Lee, President of Carlisle MU and Zonal Trustee Elect for the next Triennium. Deb spoke about Carlisle Diocese and ways to meet the falling membership.

You can download the Reports for Council here

Our President, Margy Tasker Brown introduced the meeting. Andrew Davison came to thank us for our support and prayers following his kidney transpalnt a year ago.
Deb Lee, Zonal Trustee Elect spoke about the next Triennium and the hopes of the new Worldwide President Elect, Kathleen Snow. This is a vital message and we need to embrace this if we are to increase our membership


September around the Diocese

St Bede's Newsham

St Bede's Newsham enjoyed a talk by Past President, Canon Helen Brunton who spoke about her time in MU. Myra Turner, Branch Leader (R) presented Canon Helen with flowers.

St James Shilbotttle


On September 14th and 15th a Memorial Flower Festival was held in St. James's Church Shilbottle.
in memory of Lillian Hume, who died in Febuary aged 96. Lilian was a longstanding MU member and Branch Leader and  had been the organist at the church for over 70 years!
The theme for the flower arrangements was Lilian's love of music. She was also an amazing stitcher and overall crafter. The altar cloth has been put together using panels (of a tiny fraction) of some of her embroidery work.
 The MU banner came from Austrailia because when she first joined there wasn't one. Lillian had connection and sent for it. Unfortunately her sisters can't remember the full details.
£2,800 was raised.

Lillian's badges are pictured below.


Following on from 'Something Wonderful' -and our New Project- See More

In a response to the ‘Something Wonderful’ project, some MU members from Holy Nativity and West Deanery delivered some donated art materials to the Art Club in Benwell. They were welcomed with enthusiasm. The group, together with Petra, the artist in residence,  were amazing and they were all very appreciative of the gifts.


August 2024

Hexham with Corbridge Deaneries celebrated Mary Sumner Day

Hexham with Corbridge Deaneries celebrated our founder Mary Sumner with a gathering at All Hallows Henshaw, church.

After refreshments we gathered in the Church for Midday prayers.
Following this we had a very interesting talk about the church given by a former Churchwarden and current MU member Nigel Collingwood.
This was followed by a delicious lunch and much chat among the members from the combined Deaneries.
A very enjoyable day of fellowship and fun, I'm sure our founder would have approved.

Summer of Hope

As part of the MU fundraising for the Summer of Hope, Roz Glenn is doing a 10 mile walk on 22nd Sept in the Lake District. All the money raised will be used to educate women using the Literacy Circle programme, which has already made a difference in four dioceses in the Democratic Republic of Congo. This will be extended to another four dioceses in DRC. More info and donations can be found/made Click Here
Together we give the gift of hope for a brighter future
Following a talk to a Methodist Ladies Club at Stakeford on the History of the Mothers' Union a raffle was held, and with the generosity of the group, £200 was raised. This is to be sent to the Worldwide Literacy Fund. The prize Food Hampers were provided by members of St. Paul's, Choppington Mother's Union.


Footsteps in Faith

See Photo Album here

Our MU gathering in Morpeth on Friday was a really enjoyable time. We sang, prayed and even danced together; we shared personal stories and appreciated all the aspects of the journey of life in the display of shoes and footprints.

Huge thanks are due to all who helped to shape the day:

…the VPs and Morpeth MU Branch members for their exemplary welcome, hospitality and tea & coffee;

…P&P and Marketing trustees for ship activities, prayers, saints quiz and prizes, card sales;

…those members and friends who managed the raffle and helped to set out and replace the chairs;

…the many who wrote prayers on footprints and everyone who brought shoes and stories of their own ‘Footsteps in Faith’.

Thanks also to those who were not able to make it to Morpeth but who found their own creative ways to make Footsteps in Faith and who joined us in spirit.

Not least thanks to St Georges URC who allowed us to use their premises for ‘mates rates’ as brothers and sisters in Christ.

May our footsteps go on in faith as we unfold the coming months.

Every blessing,

Anne M

'One More Step Along the Word I go'-

Reflections by VP Anne Blight on her Footsteps in Faith

In 2021 after a sombre time during Covid I decided to do a fund raising event and I passed the idea to Pam Alderson and Dorothy Walker who were both up for it, I couldn’t have done it without them. We asked West Deanery MU if they would support us and they did. We planned our walk starting each time at our St John’s Church Whorlton and the first walk with members from our Branch’s including our Chaplain Anne and Derek, walked to Holy Nativity in Chapel House, not far but a good start. We were met by lovely members who gave us a warm welcome with Coffee etc. Together we then had our Mothers Union Midday Prayers and finished by singing “One more step along the world …”

We always had a rest day/days in between helping us to recover. Our next stop was at Holy Cross where no workers joined but they were there coming forward to welcome us with welcoming smiles and refreshments. Again prayer time followed by Midday prayer time and then singing “One more step”

Venerable Bede Church on the West Rd a very busy thoroughfare. The ladies were out in force with refreshments in their small frontal area on the West Road fully exposed to all and so glad to see us and yes you guessed it we worshipped and sang. We then walked to St Matthews a very old Church on the West Road and the ladies, only a handful of members, had our refreshments ready and again we finished with our normal pattern.

Ponteland was our last one the longest. It was amazing on the walks the support of Trustees walking with us or joining us en route to the resting place, it empowered and supported us. Captain Paul with the members were waiting for us and we had refreshments and worship in their beautiful church. The last time to sing “One more step” but then the walk home which is what we did if folks felt able to. Poor Dorothy sprained her ankle on the way home on the one before so had to be careful and didn’t do it but Pam and I soldiered on.

We were so supported by you all and a had wonderful time in achieving this, thank you friends.

This year we had an idea springing from a few of us and the plan was worked out slowly with others in tow when needed and it grew from a small seed…Footsteps in Faith….which our Chaplain Anne embraced and used her many talents helping us on our small committee to make plans.

I was absolutely delighted that so many of you took part in one way or another. Our Cathedral display was amazing – it was warmly received in our Cathedral and many visitors were seen looking/reading leaving comments on the “fishes”. Our Mary Sumner Day celebrated on 1st August with Midday Prayers and followed by the Cathedral daily Eucharist which was a joy.

Then culminating in Morpeth wow what a day. You came from North, South, East and West you embraced it thank you members. Rev Anne again surpassed herself and the worship that Jackie Moore, our F&P Leader, and Anne with your help was beautiful. And what did we sing “One more step”

I opened my hymn book today, two days later, for our Sunday service and what did I see the first Hymn “One more Step”

I want to thank God for leading me on my “Footsteps in Faith” and for others led by God to bring us together and enjoy the riches we received.

Our first Venture was a money raiser and the last one only if that was the way anyone wanted to do it, we had a wide variety of ideas. Looking back for me now the money raised was a bonus we experienced so much love and joy and hopefully our Diocese will continue their journey in this way, all inclusive ….continuing the work of our founder Mary Sumner.

Anne Blight (soon to be retiring VP Northumberland Archdeaconry)



Footsteps in Faith Display in Newcastle Cathedral

Responses were extremely encouraging. Many people wrote prayers and messages on the footprints and laid them on the display. These will be brought to our Morpeth gathering on Friday 30th August. The Cathedral staff and volunteers reported that a lot of visitors had seen the display and commented on how inspiring it was. I passed by as a couple of tourists were taking photos of themselves next to it. Two members cried as they read the ‘Free to Be’ card next to the dance shoes: it was just after the tragic Southport event. A heart-felt message read: ‘Don’t let other people stop you from being yourself’. Another said – ‘Carry us when we are weary’. One said ‘Walk on’; another ‘God, do not let me unhold your hands’. Thanks to all who inspired and helped create the display, which clearly touched the hearts of many who saw it.


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