Branch Events in August 2023

Members and Friends of St Columba's Mothers Union enjoying a lovely meal at The Melton Constable, Seaton Sluice.

MU members and friends from Lesbury/Alnmouth and Amble branches enjoyed a sunny afternoon of tea and cake at Helen and Barrie Cooper's. The event raised £100 for backpacks for those leaving Prision.

Many thanks to those who have continued to support, what has now become, an annual gathering and to those who came for the first time. Watch out for next year's date in August!

Amble MU held a Mary Sumner Coffee Morning bring and buy fundraising for overseas projects.

MU Ponteland prepared 50 bags, sufficient for the Reception two class intake at Richard Coates Primary School.

The first day at school can be very traumatic both for the children and the parents so the Comfort bag is given to the children when they arrive.The attractive bag consists of a packet of tissues, a packet of biscuits, a teabag and a sachet of coffee (for the parents), a small wooden holding cross and a little laminated prayer sheet.


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