Prisoner Rucksacks

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Prison Rucksacks and required contents

Prisoner rucksacks are given by a prison charity for which some MU members volunteer, to prisoners who have no family to go to on the day of their release. After they have made the long journey by bus from Acklington in Northumberland to Tyneside, they need a change of clothes the following day to be presentable to sign on and to look for accommodation, and work.

This gift could make the difference between a prisoner sinking or swimming on their release.

Rucksacks for prisoners on the day of their release


Toiletries: soap, disposable razors, toothpaste, toothbrush, comb, deodorant, nail clippers

Towel, flannel

Underwear (boxers), socks

T shirts

Jogging bottoms (not grey, as that is the colour of prison wear)

Fleece or jacket

gloves and woollen hat


The collection points for Prisoner rucksacks are:

For North Tyneside:

Linda Benneworth who is visited by Norma Willmott, the lady who coordinates MU prison volunteering and rucksacks once a month

For Newcastle: Lillian Broatch  She is happy to collect

For North Northumberland:

Diana Macnaughton  07789199337  

10 Glamis Hill, Berwick upon Tweed,TD15 1NX 

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