Christmas Gift Bag Coffee Morning
We woke to snow and ice but the brave ladies of our MU arrived from further North, Berwick, Hepple and Amble so proud of you. Others living a little closer still had to face the conditions and the traffic congestion which ensued.
The Trustees kindly provided the goodies to have with our coffee. Our Secretary Sandra welcomed all as they came in the door with her “sign in book".
Approx 160 Gift Bags were blessed by our Chaplain and then put into the van from People’s Kitchen ready to be taken there for one of their Christmas Parties on Monday night. We were helped by Andy the caretaker from Church House and Karen the receptionist.
Because of the weather conditions some didn’t stay as long as other years however it was a lovely social morning which it was a pleasure to be at.
A big thank you to all members for your contribution in helping to make this Christmas tide a little special for some homeless person.
Anne Blight VP Northumberland Archdeaconry
MU members packing Christmas bags for distribution to the homeless through People’s Kitchen.
Thanks to Holy Nativity, Chapel House, who offered generous hospitality to enable us to pack 32 bags.
By the time all bags are collected in we anticipate over 100 bags.
Some donated items are also available for various Refuges and also for ‘Fresh Start’ bags